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Yield criterions of metal plasticity in different stress states

Fengping YANG , Qin SUN , Wei HU

金属学报(英文版) doi:10.1016/S1006-7191(08)60079-4

Five types of tensile tests were conducted to study the yield behavior of 2A12-T4 aluminum alloy. Parallel finite element models were built for each test and solved with ABAQUS with different yield criterions. The result shows that any of the four criterions: von Mises yield criterion, Tresca criterion, Twin-Shear criterion and von Mises criterion with hydrostatic pressure correction, overestimates the yield strengths of the specimens. Rather than hydrostatic pressure, Lode stress parameter is the key factor that affects the differences between experimental and simulation results. Based on this concept, a new yield model with Lode dependence modified from von Mises criterion is postulated. Although one more parameter needs to be confirmed, the simulation results of this yield model are better than those of other criterions.

关键词: Yield strength , null , null , null

Microstructural Changes of Cu-Ni-Si Alloy during Aging

Qiming DONG , Dongmei ZHAO , Ping LIU , Buxi KANG , Jinliang HUANG


Age hardening in Cu-3.2Ni-0.75Si(wt pct) and Cu-1.0Ni-0.25Si (wt pct) alloys from 723 to 823 K is studied. After an incubation period strengthening appears which is due to precipitates in the Cu-1.0Ni-0.25Si (wt pct) alloy. On other hand an immediate increase of the yield strength characterizes the aging of the alloy. This is followed by the regions of constant yield strength and further by a peak. The microstructure of the alloy was studied by, means of transmission electron microscope (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Spinodal decomposition takes place followed by nucleation of the ordering coherent (Cu,Ni)3Si particles, further precipitation annealing coherent δ-Ni2Si nucleated within the (Cu,Ni)3Si particle. Any change of the yield strength can be described by an adequate change of the structure in the sample. The nature of the aging curves with a "plateau" is discussed. The formulas of Ashby and Labusch can be used to explain the precipitation.

关键词: Copper alloy , null , null , null , null , null



